Bulayeva O., Getalova O. I Learning to Improvise and Compose, vol. 1–3
- Author:
- Bulayeva O., Getalova O.
- Author (full):
- Olga Bulayeva, Olga Getalova
- Title (full):
- Learning to Improvise and Compose. Creative notebook 1–3. Magic of the intervals. Mode. Melody. Harmony. Accompaniment
- Number of pages:
- 76
- Author
Bulayeva O., Getalova O.
- Author (full)
Olga Bulayeva, Olga Getalova
- Title (full)
Learning to Improvise and Compose. Creative notebook 1–3. Magic of the intervals. Mode. Melody. Harmony. Accompaniment
- Number of pages