This album, consisting of two parts (Solo Pieces and Duets), presents the collection of miniatures for piano created by the famous contemporary Russian composer from Saint-Реtersburg, Natalia Snikhovskaia (born in 1950), the member of the Union of Saint-Реtersburg composers, pianist. Michael Yuryevich Magnitski, а guitar teacher from Bortniansky's music school of Saint- Petersburg (Russian Federation), converted these original compositions to be used by classical guitar to play solos and duets.
Her recent work is addressed to young guitarists attending elementary and middle schools of Arts and Music.
Part 1 Solo Pieces
An Orange
The Little Mouse
The Nanny Goat
Brother Fox Roaming the Woods
Cat and Mouse
Sleepy Elephant
Up the Steps
The Little Gnome Dancing
The Merry Woodcutter
Going Hunting
And I Like the Trombone
Small Adventure
Rainy Day
Bedtime Story
My Homeland
The Little Prince
Part 2. Duet Pieces
The Little Donkey
Going to the Fair
Dancing Tune
Old Automobile
War Song
Little Song of Raindrops
Circus Horsies