Elena Poplyanova lives in the city Chelyabinsk, situated in the Urals. She composes various music — from simple songs for children to symphonies and instrumental concertos.
It’s suitable to mention here, that Lena is just a good composer. She graduate of the St Petersburg Conservatoir, having studied at the composer Vladislav Uspensky. Poplyanova’s music is very often heard in our city. Not long ago her cycle to the verses by Anna Akhmatova was performed in the Maly Hall of the Philharmonic Society. Here one can’t help remember of the guitarist and composer Victor Kozlov, Elena’s husband, whose presence also makes for the guitar music to appear in her creative work. It’s ought to enumerate the following compositions — Concerto for guitar and orchestra, “Adagio for Antonio Vivaldi” (where flute is added to guitar), sonata for guitar solo, many wonderful guitar pieces for children. It’s so very natural for Lena to master the special sound for her guitar in the family duet of two composers. All this is reflected in her music.
Sergei Ilyin, guitarist, composer,
Chief of the Petersburgian Guitarists’ Clab
MILONGA (Music text example)
RUMBA (Music text example)