Ostrovsky’s dramatic tale got its new embodiment in Rimsky-Korsakov’s opera. Meanwhile, the composer suggests new interpretation of the playwright’s imaginative sphere. Actually the plot is the same. Snow Maiden, daughter of Father Frost and the Spring, violates the unshakeable laws ever valid on the Earth. Outraged Sun turns his face off the people. Therefore the Winter refuses to give her rights to the Spring. All the inhabitants are seized with chill.
Snow Maiden doesn’t know, what love is. Hence she is feeling interest to human life, their utility and customs. Being rejected by Lel she experiences jealousy and insult. According to her request mother Spring endows the girl with the ability of feeling. Snow Maiden falls in love with Mizgir. However, this love becomes fatal for her, so as for her beloved Mizgir, who drowns in the lake. The opera finale is signed by the people headed by wise tsar Berendei glorifying eternal and ever-lasting law.