
Beethoven L. Symphony No 6 (The Pastorale). Pocket Score

Beethoven L. Symphony No 6 (The Pastorale). Pocket Score

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Beethoven L.
Author (full):
Ludwig Van Beethoven
Title (full):
Symphony No 6 (The Pastorale). Op. 68. Pocket Score
Number of pages:

The genre of symphony may be called the sphere оf раmount importance in Ludwig van Beethoven’s (1770–1827) creation. The nine symphonies seem to embrace аll the periods of the composer's spiritual life. It's quite evident to reveal Beethoven's aesthetic finds and achievements in symphonic genre having influenced all the European musical tradition. Beethoven's powerful energy determined his position amongst the greatest world masters.

The Symphony No 6 (Pastorale) in F major, ор. 68, was completed by Beethoven in 1808 simultaneously with the Fifth one. The full inscription on the title page ran as follows: “The Pastorale Symphony, or the Reminiscence of country life. This is more the emotional gestalt, than the description in sounds”. 

The Sixth is the only Beethoven's symphonic composition, having been provided with the author's programme. Each movement has its own title:  

     I. Joyful feelings on the arrival to village 
     II. Scene at the brook  
     III. Gay peasants gathered  
     IV. Thunderstorm  
     V. Shepherd's song. Joy and gratitude overwhelm everything after the storm

The Pastorale Symphony is imbibed with the idea of connection between the Nature and а man, having been implanted by the Rousseau's followers philosophy and aesthetic theory. Thus the Sixth Symphony takes special place in the European music history extending threads from the 18th century to the future searches of the composers-romanticists.

The premiere took place in Vienna on December 22, 1808. Beethoven himself conducted it.

Beethoven L.
Author (full)
Ludwig Van Beethoven
Title (full)
Symphony No 6 (The Pastorale). Op. 68. Pocket Score
Number of pages