Yuri Kornakov, master of standing reputation, one of the leading St. Petersburg composers, pianists, educational specialists, won recognition of musicians, musicologists and music amateurs.
Yuri Kornakov works in different genres: musical-theatrical, symphonic, chamber-instrumental, choral, vocal. His music is distinctive, his creative work is original. His pieces are constantly included in programs of different international festivals.
Music for children is a special part of Kornakov's creative work. His outstanding musical pieces keep enchanting new generations of music lovers. Numerous pieces appear throughout Russia and abroad surprising audience with new captivating sounds. They are full of high lyricism, romantic loftiness, deep dramatic qualities, extraordinary kindness, humour and irony. They are performed by outstanding musicians as well as by children. His ensembles and piano win wide popularity in St. Petersburg and Russia.
“Album of piano pieces” consists of the most famous pieces which are the part of pedagogical and concert repertoire of musical schools, colleges and musical departments of universities. The succession of pieces in the “Album...” is free.
Sad Song
Passing Song
“Bewitched Clock”
The Etude “Merry Round Dance”
The Bulldog Is Walking on the Pavement
Monkies' Dance. From the ballet “The Lord of Jungles”
Buryat Notebook
Two Tunes
“At the Holiday”
The Morning Song
The Dance of Hunters
Two Buryt Pieces