Dear friends!
The Compozitor Publishing House (St Petersburg) calls your attention to the four parts, united byу the title “Old Russian Romance. 111 masterpieces”.
“Old romance” is the set expression capablе itself to evoke in one's mind some vivid and distinct pictures connected with the whole age's life.
Though the authors of this genre are not known too well or sometimes simply forgotten, their miniature creations are very often aroused in our conscience already together with the first sounds or words. “Old romance”, however, is also the kind of special disposition, an attitude to reality, utterly independent of the time. Whenever these small masterpieces are created, all of them become the part of our musical life today.
That's why the romances in this exact edition are located according to the Russian alphabet succession, but not to the chronology.
This edition is useful both for professional musicians and just music-lovers. This material is to bе appreciated especially as the manual for working in the vocal and concertmaster classes.
So, savour of the “Old romance” and let your heart “moan plaintively” and your “eyes grow sad with the tear” “in the beams of purple sunset”.
S. DONAUROV. Pair of Bays. Arranged by Ja. Prigozhy. Words by А. Apukhtin (Music text example)
S. DONAUROV. At the Gateway of the Sacred Abode... Words by М. Lermontov
L. DRIZO. Go, Go for Ever!.. Words by Vereshchyagin
А. DUBYUK. Kiss Me, My Dear!.. Words by S. Pisarev
А. DUBYUK. Oh, Heart, Heart, Why Are You Crying?.. Words by А. Maikov
N. ZUBOV. Don't Go Away, Stay With Me а Bit... Words by М. Poigin
N. ZUBOV. Sing, Sing to Me, Gipsies... Words by N. Zubov
I. IVANOVICI. Danube Waves. Arranged for duet by I. Nazarenko. Words by S. Bolotin
L. KALISHEVSKY (music and words). But This Is Only а Dream
S. KASHEVAROV. Silence... Words by I. Khvostov
А. KOCHETOVA. Do You Remember: We Were Sitting Above the Sea?.. Words by G. Klechanov
KUGUSHEV. Sweet-scented Curls and Black Eyes. Words by К. Bakhturin
М. KYUSS. Thе Amur Waves. Arranged by V. Sokolov. Words by К. Vasilyev and S. Popov
N. LISTOV (music andwords). I Remember the Wonderful Sounds of Waltz...
L. MALASHKN. Oh, if I Could Express It in Sound... Words by G. Lishyn (Music text example)
D. NIKOLAYEV. Why did My Eyes Grow Sad With the Tear?.. Words by Е. Or1ova
А. OBUKHOV. Wicket-gate. Words by А. Budishchev
А. OPPEL. Looking at the Beam of Purple Sunset... Words by Р. Kozlov
V. PERGAMENT. Roses Were Dying, Luck Was Dying. Words by Chuzh-Сhuzhеnin
М. PERROTE (music and words). Don't Tell Me of Him...
В. PLOTNIKOV. By Sweet Lilac Smell… Words by the unknown author
Ya. PRIGOZHY. At the Fire-place. Words by G. Kitayev
М. POIRÉ (music and words). Swan Song
М. POIRÉ. I Was Going Home...
V. RADIVILOV. I'm Sitting and Missing My Darling... Words by V. Kresin
M. RECHKUNOV. Serenade. Words by I. Bobrikov (Music text example)
I. RYBASOV. То You Only. Words by О. Kareyev