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Composer SLONIMSKY, Sergei
Work Iohann the Terrible's Visions. Suite from the same name opera
Genre Vocal-Symphony Works
Orchestra list Picc./2/3(III=c.ingl)/3(II=cl.picc., III=cl.b.)/2/c.-fag.; 4/3/3/1; timp., tr-lo, t-no, raganella, guiro, temple blocks, frusta, t-ro di legno, t-ro rullante, 3 t-tom, piatti, gran cassa, t-tam, c-lli, silofono, c-ne tubolari, campana da chiesa; 2 arpe; soli STB; ad libitum (small domra, balalaika prima, balalaika contrabbassa); strings
Listen to the fragment fragment 1
Availability in sales catalogue Score (979-0-3522-0862-9)
CD 3

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